segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects

Space Time Continuum NOA 1 600x503 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, image courtesy Nomad Office Architects
Nomad Office Architects have recently completed a public art design project named Space Time Continuum for Hong Kong Cycling Park Public Art Competition. The design is regarded as an integration of land art and light sculpture at night. Instead of a frozen sculpture, it is rather temporal and phenomenal to explore the concept of ‘Time’ and ‘Space’, the two distinct concepts in architectural and spatial design.
Space Time Continuum NOA 2 600x320 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, image courtesy Nomad Office Architects
Time Space Continuum – Capturing Slices of Life at Moments in Time
Sport encompasses the whole person development. Sports science can trace its origins to ancient Greece. It is not surprising to claim that sport competition and ancient Socratic philosophy both aim at virtue and human excellence. They share similarities such as knowledge seeking, questioning and challenging of oneself.
Space Time Continuum NOA 9 600x320 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, image courtesy Nomad Office Architects
Time and Space are the two fundamental paradigms of all sport racing. In our artwork ‘ Time Space Continuum’, we will raise public’s curiosity and questions towards these two distinct concepts. What is Time? Is Time physical or psychological? Is Time absolute or relative? Is Time an illusion? Is Time dividable? Is Space Time composed of multiple frozen moments ‘time slices’?
Space Time Continuum NOA plan day 600x417 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, drawing courtesy Nomad Office Architects
Space Time Continuum NOA plan night 600x414 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, drawing courtesy Nomad Office Architects
Unlike any frozen sculpture, we intended to create a temporal sculpture which best depicts the Time Space concept by engaging natural phenomenons of light and reflection. During daytime, the play of light and reflection will camouflage artwork with greater context. At night, the glass slices will be lit as mass of lighting sculpture.
Space Time Continuum NOA 3 600x320 TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme \ Nomad Office Architects
TKO Town Park Public Art Scheme, image courtesy Nomad Office Architects
People’s movements through this passage of time will be broken up, dissected and re-assembled in an abstract slices of reflections, to see and be seen from multitude of viewpoints. Public’s engagement, self question and interpretation of the distinct Time and Space concept will help to define and complement the artwork.
+ All images and drawings courtesy Nomad Office Architects

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Este link tem inúmeros projectos de pontes pedonais e miradouros, com inserções e pormenores de estruturas. Sempre útil para quem ainda anda à procura de soluções.Aconselho estes 3 separadores:

Biomimicry Projects 'Winter 2011

Curvature Projects 'Winter 2010'
Tension Projects 'Winter 2009'

Bom trabalho.
José Ribeiro

terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012


O Museu de Arte Contemporânea (MAC), realizado  pelo arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer, íniciou a obra em 1991 e inaugurado em 1996.
Distancia18 km da cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). O primeiro piso é ocupado pela recepção e por toda a área administrativa do MAC-Niterói.  No segundo piso fica o espaço de exposições (com 1000m² de área), por onde se tem acesso à varanda panorâmica e aos seus 360 graus de céu e mar, emoldurados pelas montanhas da Baía de Guanabara. O mezanino, sobre o salão principal, circunda todo o interior do museu e é compartimentado em seis salas menores. Tanto a varanda panorâmica quanto o mezanino também são reservados a exposições. No subsolo estão localizadas zonas de armazém, uma plataforma elevatória para o transporte de obras de arte para o salão de exposições, as instalações de equipamentos técnicos, o bar, o restaurante e um auditório com capacidade para 60 pessoas, onde são realizadas palestras e conferências.


Sofia Caetano (MIANT)

quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012

Tipos de Pontes - PDF útil

Em baixo têm o link de um PDF sobre pontes. Vale a pena dar uma olhadela, é conciso e as imagens são bastante elucidativas.

Maria Mendes - MIAINT


Para oS que tem ideia de fazer 'pontes elevadores' tem aqui um exemplo,  (é um bom filme que explica bem, metodos de contrução e isso mas em françês...)

Catarina Reynolds Brandão